Hutto voters had nearly two dozen charter amendment propositions before them during Saturday’s election. The following numbers are unofficial:

Charter amendment, Proposition 1

Shall Sections 2.02, 2.04(b), 3.09, 3.14, 4.01(a), 4.01(b), 4.01(c), 4.02, 5.01(b), 5.03(b), 6.02, 6.09(b), 7.03(a), 7.08(b), 7.08(d), 8.13, 8.14, 9.01, 9.02, 9.03, 9.05, 9.07, 10.01(c), 11.01, 11.04(f), 11.04(g), 13.04 and 13.11 of the Hutto City Charter be amended by 1) making corrections to grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout all Articles of the Charter; 2) deleting redundant or surplus wording, and deleting outdated or antiquated wording; and 3) making non-substantive vocabulary changes in order to use modern and consistent terminology?

Yes: 444 (90.8 percent)

No: 45

Charter amendment, Prop. 2

Shall Sections 1.03(a), 1.03(d), 2.06, 3.09, 3.12, 5.01(a), 5.03(c), 5.03(e), 5.06, 6.02(b), 6.08, 7.03(b)(2), 8.05(a), 8.07(b), 8.07(d), 8.12, 9.04, 9.07, and 13.11 of the Hutto City Charter be amended by updating and correcting references to current state laws, deleting provisions of the Charter that are inconsistent with current law or are preempted by current law, and deleting references to obsolete laws?

Yes: 408 (83.61 percent)

No: 80

Charter amendment, Prop. 3

Shall the Hutto City Charter be amended by deleting the “City of Hutto’s Vision” statement?

Yes: 261 (55.77 percent)

No: 207

Charter amendment, Prop. 4

Shall Section 3.01 of the Hutto City Charter be amended by limiting a person to serving a maximum of two consecutive full terms of office in the position of Mayor or City Council Member?

Yes: 391 (79.47 percent)

No: 101

Charter amendment, Prop. 5

Shall Section 3.05 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to provide that the Mayor Pro-Tem shall act as the Mayor, in addition to the disability or absence of the Mayor, when the Mayor fails to carry out the duties of the office?

Yes: 436 (88.44 percent)

No: 57

Charter amendment, Prop. 6
Shall Sections 3.05, 4.01(e), 4.01(f) and 8.11 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to clarify the signatory and contracting authority of the Mayor and City Manager?

Yes: 426 (89.31 percent)

No: 51

Charter amendment, Prop. 7

Shall Section 3.10 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to reduce the number of City Council members necessary to establish a quorum from five (5) to four (4)?

Yes: 189

No: 296 (61.03 percent)

Charter amendment, Prop. 8

Shall Section 3.12 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to require a roll call vote to document all actions of the City Council?

Yes: 450 (92.59 percent)

No: 36

Charter amendment, Prop. 9

Shall Section 3.13 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to delete the requirement that ordinances only be introduced or read at regular City Council meetings?

Yes: 220

No: 255 (53.69 percent)

Charter amendment, Prop. 10

Shall Section 3.14 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to reduce, from five (5) to four (4), the number of affirmative votes of members of the City Council required to adopt an emergency clause for an emergency ordinance and to adopt an emergency ordinance?

Yes: 265 (55.32 percent)

No: 214

Charter amendment, Prop. 11

Shall Section 4.04 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to provide that the City Council, instead of the City Manager is authorized to appoint the City Attorney?

Yes: 409 (85.56 percent)

No: 69

Charter amendment, Prop. 12

Shall Section 8.04(d) of the Hutto City Charter be amended to delete the mandate that 10 percent of the annual budget be placed in a contingency fund to be used for emergency purposes?

Yes: 193

No: 280 (59.2 percent)

Charter amendment, Prop. 13

Shall Section 8.05(b) of the Hutto City Charter be amended to clarify that an amendment to the City’s budget cannot increase authorized expenditures to an amount greater than estimated income and other available funds?

Yes: 430 (89.03 percent)

No: 53

Charter amendment, Prop. 14

Shall Section 8.07(b) of the Hutto City Charter be amended to expand the types of debt instruments that may be issued by the City in situations when emergency appropriations are necessary to meet a public emergency, instead of being limited to only issuing emergency notes in such situations?

Yes: 343 (74.24 percent)

No: 119

Charter amendment, Prop. 15

Shall Section 12.03 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to prohibit a member of a City board or commission from continuing in such position after being elected to a City office, rather than such prohibition being applicable after a board or commission member’s filing for an elective office of the City?

Yes: 384 (83.48 percent)

No: 76

Charter amendment, Prop. 16

Shall Section 13.03(c) of the Hutto City Charter be amended to provide that, in addition to currently being applicable to City employees, the nepotism provisions of the Charter shall apply to appointees of the City?

Yes: 412 (87.66 percent)

No: 58

Charter amendment, Prop. 17

Shall Section 13.03(d) of the Hutto City Charter be amended to clarify that a city official or employee shall comply with the provisions of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 171, as amended, regulating conflicts of interest of local public officials?

Yes: 436 (92.77 percent)

No: 34

Charter amendment, Prop. 18

Shall Section 13.04 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to delete language stating that the personnel policies adopted by the City have the full force and effect of law?

Yes: 294 (63.23 percent)

No: 171

Charter amendment, Prop. 19

Shall Section 13.05 of the Hutto City Charter be amended to delete outdated language requiring the adoption of a comprehensive plan within two (2) years after the initial adoption of the Charter, and adding language requiring the City Council to review the comprehensive plan at least every four (4) years?

Yes: 395 (84.40 percent)

No: 73

Charter amendment, Prop. 20

Shall Section 13.12 of the Hutto City Charter be amended by requiring the Charter to be reviewed at least every four (4) years by a Charter Review Commission appointed by the City Council?

Yes: 430 (91.1 percent)

No: 42

Charter amendment, Prop. 21

Shall Section 3.09 of the Hutto City Charter be amended by reducing the number of regular monthly meetings required to be held by the City Council from two (2) to one (1)?

Yes: 191

No: 283 (59.7 percent)