Updated Aug. 3 at 2:42 p.m.
The Pflugerville Community Development Corp. is looking at a budget surplus of about $399,000 going into its fiscal year 2016-17 budget, according to officials working on preliminary draft documents from a special called meeting Aug. 2. The documents are not final, however, and all numbers are subject to change.
The PCDC ended the year with $908,000 in unspent money, but moved $509,000 into reserve funds, leading to the $399,000 surplus.
At the end of FY 2014-15, the PCDC had a budget deficit of about $1 million, prompting officials to pledge to spend more conservatively as well as leading to the establishment of a reserve fund.
The budget includes an item for an assistant executive director, which Executive Director Amy Madison served in before her predecessor Floyd Akers left in summer 2015. The position has gone unfilled since then.
The PCDC is working on the budget to send to Pflugerville City Council later in August.
The story was updated to reflect the most current figures from the Pflugerville Community Development Corps.' working documents.