The Pflugerville City Council approved approximately $2 million for construction and expansion to the Pflugerville Animal Shelter at their May 10 meeting.
The preliminary designs presented to Council by Assistant City Manager Trey Fletcher outlined a plan that includes indoor and outdoor space for 48 dogs, a check-in and workroom area, a restroom for staff use, dry food storage area, a medical room and approximately 3,600-sq. ft. of an extended slab and roof for an outdoor kennel area.
“The purpose of this item is to review with you what we’re proposing based on conceptual plans and verify this is the appropriate direction the Council wishes to take with the funds that we’re allotted,” Fletcher said in the council meeting.
According to the plan presented by Fletcher, three existing buildings would be demolished, two buildings would remain and the meeting room would be converted to temporary office space during renovations.
The preliminary plan also includes air-conditioning for indoor facilities, a sloped slab, trench drains, a new entry drive and fire lane, and site preparations for utility connections. Plans also include acoustic panels and screen walls to reduce shelter noise levels for the benefit of nearby homeowners.
Funding measures for the animal shelter construction and improvements are part of a $9.3 million combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation package the Council also considered and approved during the meeting.
Fletcher said $400,000 in funding would come from the city’s reserve fund and the remaining $1.6 million would come from the Certificates of Obligation.
In addition to Phase 1 of the animal shelter expansion, there are nine additional items on the proposed project list.
The Council’s action of intent to issue $9.3 Certificates of Obligation met with some opposition but was passed by Council with a 3-2 vote. Mayor Jeff Coleman broke a tie by casting final approval, with Councilmembers Omar Pena and Mike Heath opposing the measure.
City officials said a public hearing will be held June 28 for public feedback regarding items included on the proposed project list for which the Certificates of Obligation will be used.