The Pflugerville Chamber of Commerce announced Jan. 17 that Patricia Gervan-Brown will retire as president and CEO of the chamber. Gervan-Brown started working with the chamber in 1995, according to a press release. "It's been my pleasure to have known and worked in the Pflugerville Chamber of Commerce with Patricia for the past five years," board Chairwoman Coletta Haskin said in the press release. "I have had the opportunity to see her passion for business growth in the community. For 23 years she has been the voice of the chamber. She has demonstrated great leadership and has proven time and time again that she can get the job done. Patricia's hard work and dedication has truly made a huge and lasting impact on the businesses and community of Pflugerville." Gervan-Brown's successor will be named in the near future, according to the release. The chamber plans to honor Gervan-Brown at its annual banquet March 1.