Although construction on Hidden Lake Elementary School in eastern Pflugerville is nearly halfway complete, according to district staff, officials sent out a release on April 22 stating the campus will not open for the 2022-23 school year due to budget constraints.

"The cost of opening a new elementary campus is an estimated $3 million on the operations side of the district," the release states. "Although we recognize the need for an elementary on the east side of the district due to increasing enrollment, PfISD is also facing budget difficulties."

The release states the budget difficulties stem from a low attendance rate in the 2021-22 school year, which caused a decrease in state funding. The failure of the voter approved tax ratification election, or VATRE, in November also compounded the problem, according to the district.

All students previously zoned to attend Hidden Lake Elementary will remain at their currently zoned campus, and portables will be available to meet the growing needs at Murchison, Rowe Lane, Riojas and Mott elementary schools, according to the release.

At this time, officials do not have a specific time for when the campus might open, but the release states the district is working on counter measures to get the school operational as soon as possible.

"The district is hoping for higher attendance rates in the next school year, which will generate additional state funding," the release states. "Additionally, the district is exploring the option of recommending a VATRE, which would bring in extra state dollars and exempt local taxes from being recaptured by the state."

Despite the roadblock to opening, work continues to complete construction of the campus because funding was already allocated as part of a 2018 $332 million bond. During an April 21 board meeting, Executive Director of Facilities and Construction Brandon Cardwell said the main building entrance is covered to protect it from the elements. Additionally, the corridor walls in the north classroom wing are being framed, and wall tiles are being installed in the second floor.

Hidden Lake Elementary is located at 18218 Hidden Lake Drive, Pflugerville, and will include students in prekindergarten through fifth grade when operational.