Boundary Map Round Rock ISD is proposing changes to its middle school attendance boundaries.[/caption] Round Rock ISD staff has released new updates to their proposal to alter the district's middle school attendance boundaries ahead of the board of trustees' vote on Thursday, Nov. 17. District officials first presented their plan in September and said it was necessary to rework the boundaries to make room for the future Pearson Ranch Middle School, and to relieve overcrowding in other schools. The plan would affect boundaries for the Cedar Valley, Chisholm Trail, Deerpark and Walsh middle schools. RRISD trustees heard a final staff recommendation in October that would redraw boundaries ahead of the 2017-18 school year when Pearson Ranch Middle School opens. RRISD staff released two updates to that final recommendation ahead of Thursday's meeting:
  • The Highland Horizons subdivision will stay at Cedar Valley Middle School.
  • The Ranch at Brushy Creek subdivision will be zoned for Cedar Valley Middle School. RRISD said the rezoning would better accommodate for growth at Pearson Ranch Middle School and allow for a better demographic balance.
The initial proposal has upset some parents, with a majority of those who responded to an RRISD online survey about the plan stating they oppose changes. RRISD ran a public review from Sept. 16-Oct. 13 that included the survey as well as three public forums. RRISD recommends Pearson Ranch take students from Anderson Mill, Elsa England, Forest North, Patsy Sommer and Purple Sage elementary schools, then send students to McNeil High School. The proposal would not change attendance boundaries for RRISD’s other elementary and high schools. The RRISD board is scheduled to begin the public session of its Thursday meeting at 7 p.m. in the Round Rock High School Lecture Hall, 300 Lake Creek Drive, Round Rock.