1. Champagne Social Guests enjoy a complimentary dessert bar, a champagne fountain with the purchase of a $10 champagne glass and a live DJ at upscale wine lounge St. Genevieve.
9 p.m.-2 a.m. $10. 11500 Rock Rose Ave., Austin.
2. TYLER’S Dam That Cancer Pre-Party Fundraiser The third annual event supports TYLER'S Dam That Cancer—an annual event on June 12 in which 175 participants paddle from dam to dam on Lake Austin to raise more than $600,000 for Flatwater Foundation. The fundraiser includes raffle giveaways from various sponsors, including Jack Daniels and Woodford Reserve. All proceeds from the pre-party are donated to Flatwater Foundation to provide mental health therapy to those affected by a cancer diagnoses.
5-10 p.m. The Dogwood, 11420 Rock Rose Ave., Ste. 130, Austin.
3. Salsa lessons The Rose Room hosts Latin Flair: A Salsa Party and Show. Free salsa lessons are available from 9:30-10 p.m. followed by the party with Latin music by DJ Danny Ritmo, and Brazilian samba dance group Melisamba. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. 11500 Rock Rose Ave., Austin. www.theroseroom.clubFRIDAY
4. Bike to Work Day The event aims to encourage residents to bike to work as well as celebrate bicycle safety and advocacy. An official after-party takes place from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Google Fiber Space, 201 Colorado St., Austin.
7-9 a.m. Free. Various fueling station locations. 512-773-8775.

5. Austin Contemporary Art Show Conception Global Art Collective presents the evening of contemporary art, networking and libations. Conception exhibits offer collectors the opportunity to purchase work directly from local artists at the tipping point of their career.
5-10 p.m. $20. Oskar Blues Brewery Austin, 10420 Metric Blvd., Austin.
6. AMNA Neighborhood Day The Anderson Mill Neighborhood Association safety event features representatives from the Austin Police Department, a bounce house, vendors and free open swim at El Salido pool.
3-6 p.m. Free. El Salido Pavilion, 11500 El Salido Parkway, Austin.
7. Austin Take Steps Walk Hundreds of Austin-area residents walk to raise funds for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Walkers choose a 1-mile or 2-mile course and enjoy games, activities and food after the walk. Funds raised support patients who are coping with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
10 a.m. $25 donation (additional fundraising encouraged). Travis County Expo Center, 7311 Decker Lane, Austin.
8. Barks for Beers The fourth annual edition of Barks for Beers continues until May 31. Divine Canines hosts the event by partnering with 30 of Austin’s craft breweries, including some in North Austin. Participants purchase a special Divine Canines pint glass and may take their glass to any or all of the participating breweries for a free beer. Breweries also host specialty events in support of Barks for Beers. Proceeds from the sale of glasses benefit Divine Canines, which trains therapy dogs.
Various times. $20 (glass). Various locations.