In June, residents near the Blackhawk Golf Club packed the Pflugerville City Council chambers hoping to convince city officials to buy the course, which is for sale.
The potential of the 18-hole course, located at 2714 Kelly Lane, being purchased and developed into residential properties had residents asking the city to step in and fund the purchase to preserve the property while becoming one of many cities with a municipal golf course.
In the nearly two months since, City Manager Brandon Wade has met twice with a community action committee comprised of residents near the golf course. Wade said he also met with the owner of the course.
Wade said the city is not in negotiations to buy the course and the city explored multiple ways to consider the purchase, but there “isn’t a viable one.”
The course covers 157 acres, and it is for zoned agriculture-conservation use. Owner Mike Ussery has talked to the city about selling the land in 3- 5-acre lots to a developer. City officials said some residents have asked for a bond election to save the course, but the city does not plan to have another bond election until after the 2014 and 2015 bond projects are complete.
“The city doesn’t have the finances to pay for a $1 million-$5 million purchase at this time,” Wade said. “The city emphasized to Save the Blackhawk Golf Course homeowners that we will use the regulatory authority we have to make sure the golf course owner impacts the current neighbors in the least intrusive way.”
Wade also told the group to consider an HOA election to amend the HOA rules so they can explore buying the golf course themselves. He also stated legislative changes may affect laws associated with tax rates and debt.
“Before the city can consider making any recommendation on issuance of additional debt that is not already approved by the voters, I need to know what, specifically, those changes to the law are going to be,” Wade said.
Donna McKay, the leader of the community action committee, has asked for City Council to discuss options during one of its meetings, but city officials said there is nothing for them to consider.
McKay proposed the course, with some work, could become a course for disabled veterans and golfers with special needs. She said grants are available, and the city would “stand out among its peers” for such a course.
“The only way to get answers would be an open conversation,” McKay said to City Council members July 25. “As many months as we have been active, we don’t seem to be making any headway here.”
McKay said she will still push for meetings, and her group will seek investors and partnerships to allow the land to remain a golf course.
“We don’t give up easily,” McKay said.
The course, designed by Charles Howard and U.S. Open Women’s Champion Hollis Stacey, opened in 1990. There are 260 houses on the course and 466 houses in the Fairways of Blackhawk development.