Uplands tract usage weighed Uplands tract usage weighed[/caption]

On Aug. 16, Sunset Valley City Council unanimously approved issuing a request for qualifications, or RFQ, for planning services for the Uplands tract, a 7-acre parcel of land south of West Hwy. 290.

Council has allocated $34,200 for Uplands tract planning this fiscal year. Council Member Rudi Rosengarten said she would prefer to clear the property and establish minimal trails without spending that money.

“I still have a tough time with this, where we’re spending any kind of money on this piece of land when we still don’t have the police department and the public works [facilities plans] ironed out,” she said.

The city is in the midst of plans for new permanent facilities for its police and public works departments, which currently operate out of portable buildings.

Mayor Pro Tem Marc Bruner noted the step taken by council does not authorize approval of spending the $34,200 but that the step is necessary if the city later decides to use the property for something other than city facilities.

“The RFQ itself is not binding us to any decision,” he said.

What to do with the Uplands tract has been the subject of debate and discussion for several years. Sunset Valley Arts Commission representatives have most recently requested developing concepts that would allow for uses such as community events, art, fitness and education. The site was eliminated as an option for a potential fire station in 2012.

Proposals are due Sept. 29, and a contract could be awarded this year.