1. Colorado Street reconstruction
Work on the stretch of Colorado Street from Seventh to 10th streets began in November and shifted to the north side of the Eighth Street and Colorado intersection as of July 31. Eighth was reduced to one westbound lane west of Colorado to Lavaca Street, and Colorado was reduced to one southbound lane from Eighth to 10th. The lane closures allow for the installation of a new storm drain and water and wastewater lines, wider sidewalks, and curb and gutter fixes as well as street reconstruction. This phase of the project is expected to be complete in October. Work will move to the east side of Colorado starting in January.
Timeline: November 2015-March 2017 Cost: $5.7 million Funding sources: 2006 transportation bond, 2010 mobility bond, 2012 transportation and mobility bond
2. Southeast Allandale water and wastewater improvements
Replacement of water and wastewater lines beneath 12 streets in the Allandale subdivision continues. The current phase of the project spans Finley Drive from Hancock Drive to West 49th 1/2 Street and West 49th 1/2 from Finley to Strass Drive. The project also entails street overlay, a street maintenance technique that applies about 2 inches of asphalt to the existing road surface. Crews are also installing water and wastewater mains, valves, service connections and manholes.
Timeline: April 2016-fall 2017 Cost: $3,817,000 Funding sources: Austin Water
3. North Lamar Boulevard street resurfacing and nightly lane closures
North Lamar Boulevard between 39th and 45th streets is reduced to one lane in each direction at night because of street resurfacing. Work began Aug. 7 and is expected to be complete Aug. 28. Nightly lane reductions take place from 7 p.m.-5 a.m. throughout the resurfacing process, which replaces the existing asphalt and base material with new pavement.
Timeline: Aug. 7-28 Cost: $1-$1.2 million Funding sources: city of Austin Transportation Fund

4. I-35 interchange at Oltorf Street
The Texas Department of Transportation is planning a ground breaking ceremony Sept. 7 for its project to reconstruct the Oltorf Street interchange with I-35 from south of Woodland Avenue to Woodward Street along the interstate. As part of TxDOT’s Mobility35 initiative, the project improvements include the reconstruction of the Oltorf bridge, improved entrance and exit ramps and frontage roads, new extended entrance and exit lanes for main lanes and ramps, new northbound and southbound U-turns, and updated bicycle and pedestrian facilities along I-35.
Timeline: September 2016-spring 2019 Cost: $42.6 million Funding sources: TxDOT