Pflugerville Justice Center The Pflugerville Justice Center is now a Safe Trade Site where area residents can meet online buyers or sellers in a supervised space.[/caption] The Pflugerville Justice Center is now available as Safe Trade Site for residents who are buying or selling items online and would like a secure location to meet another buyer or seller. The parking lot of the police department is under surveillance 24/7 and can be used as a meeting spot between online buyers and sellers, Police Chief Charles Hooker said. During business hours, online vendors or customers can also meet in the police station lobby, he said. “Should there be an emergency we are very close,” Hooker said. “We're excited to offer this program." Mayor Jeff Coleman said he referred someone seeking to sell a vehicle to the new Safe Trade Site. “I think this is something that, if we can get the word out, will be something that is used because more and more people are using the internet to sell things but they don’t feel comfortable with someone coming to their house,” he said. Hooker suggested Pflugerville residents looking to buy or sell a large item that cannot be transported to a Safe Trade Site take precautions such as informing a friend or neighbor of the appointment and not allowing a stranger to walk through a home unaccompanied.