COM-2015-06-14-1S1Sen. Brandon CreightonDistrict 4

Recent activity: The Legislature approved Senate Bill 1760, authored by Creighton, which requires taxing districts to have a supermajority to raise property taxes. The bill was sent to Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.

The Legislature approved SB 455, which allows the Attorney General to petition the Texas Supreme Court for the formation of a three-judge panel to hear school finance and redistricting cases. The bill was signed by the governor.

R-Conroe Elected: 2006 512-463-0104 [email protected]

Sen. Robert Nichols • District 3

Recent activity: Authored Senate Joint Resolution 5, which dedicates $2.5 billion per year to the State Highway Fund to build non tolled roads and bridges.

As a first-time member of the Senate Finance Committee, Nichols played an integral role in determining the state’s budget. The Legislature finalized and approved a $209.4 billion budget, which will boost funding for border security, public schools and roads in the state

R-Jacksonville Elected: 2006 512-463-0103 [email protected]

Rep. Will MetcalfDistrict 16

Recent activity: Co-authored House Bill 11, known as The Stronger Border, Safer Texas Act. The bill bolsters Department of Public Safety Trooper presence along the Texas-Mexico border. The bill was signed by the governor.

Authored HB 2213, which allows the Montgomery County Sheriff’s office to maintain a tow rotation for towing companies impounding vehicles. The bill was signed by the governor.

R-Conroe Elected: 2014 512-463-0726 [email protected]

 Rep. Mark KeoughDistrict 15

Recent activity: Co-authored HB 3074, which requires artificial hydration and nutrition to be provided to patients undergoing the natural process of death. The bill was sent to Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.

Co-authored SB 2065, protecting pastors from lawsuits or criminal prosecution if they refuse to perform marriages that violate their held religious beliefs. The bill was sent to Gov. Abbott’s office.

R-The Woodlands Elected: 2014 512-463-0797 [email protected]

Rep. Cecil Bell District 3

Recent activity: Co-authored HB 2583, allowing county sheriffs to access criminal history records. The bill was sent to Gov. Abbott’s office.

Co-authored HB 479, which approves a pilot project to provide emergency telemedicine services to rural areas. Emergency dispatch centers would provide medical guidance to those waiting for emergency medical personnel. The bill was sent to Gov. Abbott’s office.

R-Magnolia Elected: 2012 512-463-0650 [email protected]