logoThis year’s dramatic rainfall numbers have greatly increased the number of mosquitoes in the area, according to city officials.  The mosquitoes now hatching due to floodwaters do not typically carry the West Nile Virus, however the city of McKinney is encouraging residents to take precautions to avoid bites and help rid mosquito egg-laying sites by eliminating standing water around homes and neighborhoods. According to the city, McKinney’s mosquito control program consists of surveillance, source reduction, larvaciding (eliminating mosquito larvae), adulticiding (spraying for adult mosquitoes) and public education. The city has increased its surveillance of floodwater areas and will treat them as necessary.

“The more people who are aware the appropriate actions to take for mosquito control, the better chance we have to reduce the number of mosquitoes and potential mosquito-borne disease,” said Richard Milam, Health Compliance Supervisor, in a news release.

There are several unexpected places for mosquitos to find standing water where they can breed. In addition to emptying water from flower pots, bird baths and old tires, also clean gutters regularly or cover with mesh to prevent leaves and debris from collecting water. Other places where water can collect include children’s toys and playground equipment, landscape statues, garden hoses and large plant leaves. Even a plastic garbage bag that sits in the rain can develop a small pocket where water can collect. For more mosquito control information, visit mckinneytexas.org/mosquitocontrol. Residents may also email [email protected] to report any standing water issues or mosquito concerns.