Mckinney City Council

Tracy Rath - at large
1,894 votes, or 43.52 percent)

My focus is on recruiting the best city manager, updating our city’s comprehensive land use and water plans [and] passing a bond election that will provide essential infrastructure with no tax increase. ... Put the best people in place; listen; seek input; research; provide clear expectations; build partnerships; and communicate, communicate, communicate. And, finally, do what I’m best at—the work necessary to accomplish the goal.
[email protected]

Bill Campbell - at large
1341 votes, or 30.81 percent)

McKinney is a great place to live; we all know that. With the recognition by Money Magazine we have nationwide attention that has fueled growth and interest in our community. Our challenge is going to be to keep McKinney great for the next generation of people who want to move here. We need to develop in an economically sustainable way so that we don’t have our 15 minutes of fame and then fade into history.

Chuck Branch - District 4
661 votes, or 38.16 percent)

I will work with the city, City Council and EDC to create a plan to determine the best industries that will provide the highest ad valorem taxes, high-paying jobs and high sales tax revenues. Then we will create a plan to aggressively pursue businesses in those industries. Lastly, we will work on a plan to reduce our city’s property taxes incrementally.

Pablo Ruiz - District 4
393 votes, or 22.69 percent)

The city manager position must be carefully considered with an open process. We need to hire highly qualified leaders who can work collaboratively and with integrity to best serve our community. McKinney needs to attract new businesses that will create jobs, increase revenue and ease the tax burden on homeowners.

Collin College

Collin Kennedy - Place 7
4,325 votes, or 26.9 percent)

My wife and I and most of our friends have children who will be entering their college years sooner than we could believe. I am running for Place 7 on the Collin College board of trustees because I have a vested interest in ensuring that Collin College remains an elite and affordable higher-education option for young adults in our community.

Jim Orr - place 7
(6,426 votes, or 39.9 percent)

I want to use my experience to give back to the community. I have had a very intense career in technology planning and strategy. This experience creates a unique combination of skills that fits the requirements of a board member in this time of rapidly changing learning models and the necessary adoption of new technology.

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