Updated May 6 at 10:10 a.m. CST

In a May 4 special session, Bee Cave City Council unanimously voted to leave the council seat vacated by Michelle Bliss open until the city's November election.

City Attorney Patty Akers said that according to the city charter, the council would need to appoint a member to Bliss' seat before the May 9 election, or the seat would remain vacant until the November election.

The short amount of time between the May 4 meeting and the May 9 election would not be sufficient to give other interested residents time to apply for the temporary seat, Mayor Caroline Murphy said.

In her letter of resignation, Bliss said she would like to see Planning and Zoning Commissioner Monty Parker fill her seat. Murphy said Parker had expressed interest in the position.

Posted May 1 at 5 p.m. CST

Bee Cave City Councilwoman Michelle Bliss tendered her resignation, dated April 30, to the city on May 1, City Manager Travis Askey said. The resignation does not become effective until city council votes on it, he said. A special meeting is posted for May 4 at 6 p.m. to consider action on this item and declare a vacancy, he said.

Bliss said she and her family will be relocating in mid-June to the Boerne area and wanted to inform city officials before the May 9 election.

"It's going to be a hard move after 16 years [living in Bee Cave]," Bliss said. "The city of Bee Cave is in great hands with the council they have and will continue to do a great job.

"I appreciate the city giving me an opportunity to represent them. It's been a learning experience and a great experience."