UPDATED April 1 to correct MetroRapid ridership

Capital Metro set another record-breaking year in 2015 for South by Southwest ridership on its MetroRail and MetroRapid bus service.

Between the two MetroRapid routes, Capital Metro provided more than 100,000 rides as well as more than 63,000 MetroRail rides. These numbers were a 15 percent increase from 2014. The agency had offered extended service on both modes as well as offering special Sunday service for MetroRail. During the 10-day festival March 13-22, the transit agency provide 1,700 hours of additional service.

"We're happy to see that 15 percent increase on MetroRapid and MetroRail," Capital Metro spokeswoman Melissa Ayala said. "Every year we look at what's possible and how we can maximize resources."

March 19 was the highest ridership day for both modes with 13,000 boardings on MetroRapid and 9,000 boardings on MetroRail.

"We were able to plan for and budget for the service," Ayala said. "We got a lot of feedback from riders who appreciated having way to get home."

New service features this year included extending MetroRapid hours until 2:30 a.m. March 20-21. This was also the first year the second MetroRapid line, Route 803, was in operation during SXSW, further providing another option besides MetroRail.

"We were very pleased to see so many people taking advantage of our longer hours and more frequent service during this year's event," Capital Metro President and CEO Linda Watson said in a statement. "We wanted to make it convenient for people to get into and out of the city and also move around the downtown area easily so they could just relax and enjoy all the activities."

The agency additionally increased frequency on its MetroAirport bus route that runs along Riverside Drive and its Night Owl and e-Buses providing late-night bus service. Final ridership numbers during SXSW will be released in April.

SXSW stats

  • 63,000 rail rides, an 8,000-ride increase from 2014

  • 37,000 rides on MetroRapid Route 803, which launched Aug. 24

  • More than 11,000 transit passes were sold on the CapMetro App totaling about $77,500 in revenue

  • 7,700 new app downloads

  • 20 percent increase in visits to Capital Metro's website from the month before SXSW to nearly 150,000 visitors

  • 24 percent in user accessing the trip planner feature to the week before SXSW