Veronica discovered Schakolad, whose business concept was creative and food-related, all of which appealed to her.
Veronica then traveled to Schakolad's headquarters in Orlando, Florida, to learn what it would take to open her own shop. Part of the tour was to try the chocolates.
"And when I tasted it—that was it," Veronica said. "The chocolate is so amazing."
In 2005, Veronica opened her own Schakolad, and her entire family, from her son helping her build the store shelves to her daughter's assistance with chocolate designs to her mother as her assistant, has been a large part of what Veronica said she enjoys about the business.
"The fact that my family could participate [convinced me to open the business]," she said. "Because now I was doing something fun for me, and I could incorporate the family."
Veronica said the chocolates at Schakolad are homemade with no artificial additives, such as preservatives or paraffin. The cocoa used in the shop is a mix of French and Belgian flavors. She said one of the more popular items is the personalized chocolate bars designed with a corporate logo.
Initially, Veronica did not consider hosting parties, thinking her chocolate shop and hosting large groups were not a good fit. But a desperate mother convinced Veronica to host her son's birthday party after plans were canceled at the last minute.
"The joke was on me because I had so much fun doing that party. I decided, 'OK, we're doing birthday parties,'" Veronica said. "That's how the birthday party thing came about."
Schakolad hosts several styles of parties, such as Sweet Night Out in which friends make chocolate favors and create their own chocolates boxes.
They can also bring their own champagne or wines. She also hosts a chocolate-making camp for children in which they make chocolate Mr. Potato Heads, chocolate pizzas and chocolate lollipops.
"Now I actually look forward to the chocolate parties," Veronica said.
Gifts by price
- 15-piece custom box $20
- 24-piece custom box $28
- 48-piece custom box $58
- Large chocolate heart box $45
- One dozen chocolate covered strawberries $55
- Chocolate champagne bottle with two champagne glasses filled with cherries $55
- 3-D solid Ferrari $20
- 11-inch hollow bunny $25
Chocolate molds
- Hearts
- Bunnies
- Santa
- High-heeled shoe
- Champagne bottle
- Champagne glasses
- Place cards
- Picture frame
- Swan centerpiece
- Chocolate rose
- Raspberry ganache
- Champagne ganache
- Cheesecake ganache
- Dark chocolate almond bark
- Chocolate covered pretzels
- Chocolate covered cherries