O. Henry Middle School partnered with California-based Revolution Foods as part of a pilot program thatbrings high-quality, freshly-prepared food to itscafeteria daily.

In the 15 years he has worked for the school, Principal Peter Price said hereceived feedback that students were really not interested in purchasing the schools lunch offerings.

A group of parents, teachers and staff startedresearching meal optionsand the AISD board of trustees approved the pilot program Nov. 24. O. Henry is the first school in the district to offer the program thatbeganthis semester.

The new cafeteria lunch menusinclude items such as vegetarian green chili cheese tamales;sustainably-raised beef hot dogs;barbecue chicken wraps; and Sunbutter, or butter made from sunflower seeds, and jelly sandwiches, Price said. However, it istaking some students time to adjust to the new menus, he said.

We set a goal of healthy, tasty affordable food for all students and employees, and [Revolution Foods] seemed to match up to what we wanted, Price said. The school will review the program's efficacyin June, he said.

With the program, student mealcosts have risen from $2.50 to$3.50 for lunch. The cost for students enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program remains the same.

The school has more than 900 students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Although other schools have expressed interest in the program,AISD officials saidthedistrict has no plansto expand the programat this time.