Dec. 1 was the first day businesses could submit an application for a new alcohol sales permit under Frisco's recently amended alcoholic beverages ordinance.

Four businesses have submitted permit applications to the city secretary's office for review as of 11:50 a.m. Dec. 2.

Though the ordinance went into effect Nov. 28, the city of Frisco and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission offices were closed for the Thanksgiving weekend.

The ordinance, approved by the City Council Nov. 18, extends the hours businesses can sell alcoholic beverages until 2 a.m. any day.

Businesses are required to apply for a new alcoholic beverage permit through the TABC in order to extend its alcohol sales until 2 a.m.

The application process will take a few weeks for businesses that already possess a permit, TABC spokeswoman Mariann Morelock said. These businesses could potentially be approved for a new permit before New Year's Eve, she said.

For businesses applying for a permit for the first time, the application process may take four to six weeks, Morelock said.

Part of the application process includes receiving a signature from the city secretary and county clerk, according to the city's website. The city secretary's office began accepting permit applications Dec. 1.

Businesses that obtained a late-night alcohol sales permit several years ago before the ordinance amendment was repealed in 2008 must apply for a permit under the new ordinance, Morelock said. The older permits cannot be grandfathered into the existing ordinance, she said.