The board of trustees adopted the district's 2015 legislative priorities during the Oct. 13 board meeting.

The priorities were drafted by the district's Community Leadership Committee over a period of several months. District administrators worked with committee members and divided up the priorities into four categories—accountability and assessment, transparency, school finance, and charter schools and school choice—to give members a chance to become more knowledgeable about each topic.

The school finance priority focuses on adopting a school finance system that is adequately funded and addresses the challenges of fast-growth districts like Cy-Fair ISD.

"We need to continue to fight for equity and fairness in the way the state divvies up the funds for public education," CLC chairman Tom Pickford said.

The district's school choice priority involves supporting school choice available within the existing system along with increasing accountability and transparency required of schools not governed by locally elected trustees. Additionally, the legislative priorities call for utilizing district and campus ratings in lieu of letter grades and aligning higher education admission requirements to high school graduation requirements.


Cy-Fair ISD

10300 Jones Road, Houston


Dec. 11, 15

Meetings are typically the first Thursday of the month and second Monday of the month at 6 p.m.