The city of Austin will close the far left lanes on Lavaca Street to reduce the street to two lanes between Second and Third streets beginning Oct. 13 and will remain limited to motorists until Nov. 26.
The transit vehicle lane—a priority lane for Capital Metro traffic and right-turning motorists—will become a shared-vehicle lane during this time period.
All Lavaca Street lanes will reopen open Nov. 27 and 28 before the corridor reduces to two lanes Nov. 29, but this time with lane closures occurring in the far right lanes. Work in this area is expected to be complete by January, according to city estimates.
The closures allow West Third Street reconstruction to be completed, including projects such as "utility adjustments, full-depth street reconstruction, widened sidewalks, street trees, typical Great Streets furnishings and installation of the Lance Armstrong Bikeway with concrete barrier curbs separating bicycle and vehicle traffic," according to a city news release.