The Leander ISD school board approved the names of two upcoming campuses on Aug. 7.

High School No. 6, which is under construction near the Benbrook Ranch subdivision in north Leander, was named Tom Glenn High School. The campus is expected to open in fall 2016. Elementary School No. 25 being built on Municipal Drive in Old Town Leander will be called Christine Camacho Elementary when it opens in next fall.

Tom Glenn was the superintendent of Leander ISD for 21 years and retired in 2007. Following discussion and a failed motion from trustee Lisa Mallory to name High School No. 6 after Bill Picket—a black rodeo performer from the turn of the 20th century who was born near the High School No. 6 site—the board voted 6-0 in favor of Tom Glenn High School. Trustee Aaron Johnson was absent.

"Tom will be living right near the high school when it's complete so that's ironic in a way," said Trustee Don Hisle. "I like the fact we can recognize some of our own people in the district who have provided a significant amount of effort and work."

LISD received 30 nominations for Tom Glenn from residents of the district. During July discussions about school naming process, several residents spoke in favor of Tom Glenn.

The board initially approved naming the high school John T. Glenn but revisited the motion to name the campus Tom Glenn High School.

"The honoree would love it if the name were Tom Glenn High School because everyone knows John Glenn as someone else..." Superintendent Bret Championship said.

In addition to 16 nominations for the name Bill Picket, the district received suggested names including Jay Sevier High School, Kenneth Faubion High School and Beyonce High School.

Christine Camacho was a registrar at Whitestone and Pleasant Hill elementary schools for about 10 years. She died from colon cancer in April 2013.

In a nomination form submitted to Leander ISD, Terrie Hill said Camacho made parents and children feel welcome.

"She would make every child and parent feel important," Hill wrote. "She loved the students. It would start the minute you walked into the school."

Camacho Elementary School received 10 nominations, while Peggy Howard Elementary received three nominations, and Miller Community, Cathy White and Hillary R. Clinton elementary schools each received one nomination.

An outline of LISD's school naming criteria can be found here.