The district's board of trustees, at a special meeting July 21, will consider greenlighting a $748 million bond election to be held later this year.

The recommendation is the product of the district's citizen bond committee, which met about a dozen times between April 3 and July 16. The committee had a core group of 132 residents and 95 alternates.

After campus tours and seminars, the group narrowed 127 possible projects down to a proposal that included 82 projects, Katy ISD spokeswoman Denisse Cantu said.

The committee recommended about $356.8 million (48 percent) of the bond funds be used for new facilities, including one new high school, two junior high schools, and three elementary schools. Those projects would relieve rising student populations at 12 existing campuses.

The committee also recommended about $135.4 million for complete renovations to six campuses and partial renovations at least 40 others, Cantu said.

Two projects that appeared on the failed 2013 Student Activity Facilities Bond are also among the recommendations. The committee included a second stadium and a new agriculture center in the proposed projects.

The 12,000-seat stadium is estimated at $43 million and would be adjacent to Rhodes Stadium. The $69.5 million stadium proposal in the 2013 bond had 14,000 seats.

The bond would potentially raise the district's tax rate by one cent for every $100 of valuation, Cantu said.

The same tax increase was expected to accompany the district's 2010 bond but growth in the area made it unnecessary.

"When the committee came to an agreement it was a consensus agreement across the board," Cantu said. "Nobody felt strongly enough to veto it."