Build-out year: 2014
Home values: $189,900-$950,000
HOA dues (estimated): $1,275
Amenities: Golf club, neighborhood swimming pool, tennis courts, equestrian center, dog park
Nearby attractions: Easy access to Hwy. 249, Beltway 8 and the Grand Parkway; close to Tomball Market Place.
Property taxes (in dollars):
- Harris Co0.41
- Harris Co Dpt Educ0.01
- Harris Co ESD 160.05
- Harris Co Flood Control0.03
- Harris Co Hospital0.17
- Harris Co MUD 3670.70
- Klein ISD1.43
- Harris Co EMSD 110.05
- Lone Star College0.12
- Port of Houston0.02
Total (per $100 value)2.99
Homes on the market (February 2014)
- No. of homes for sale - 25
- No. of homes under contract - 26
- Average days on the market - 53
Annual home sales (Feb. 1, 2013–Feb. 28, 2014)
- No. of homes sold - 232
- Square footage (low/high) - 1,601 / 7,003
- Selling price (low/high) - $140,000/ $1,555,000