Mostyn Manor, Magnolia, 77354


Build-out year: 2015

Builders: Multiple

Square footage: 2,400-4,000

Home values: $294,900-$497,378

HOA dues (estimated): $450

Nearby attractions: Lake Conroe, The Woodlands Mall

Property taxes:

Magnolia ISD - 1.3995

Montgomery County - 0.4838

Montgomery County Emergency District 10 - 0.1000

Montgomery County Hospital - 0.0729

No Harris County Jr. College - 0.1198

Total (per $100 value) - 2.176

Homes on the market (As of February 2014)

No. of homes for sale - 14

No. of homes under contract - 4

Average days on the market - 76

Annual home sales (Jan. 1, 2013–Jan. 31, 2014)

No. of homes sold - 27

Square footage (low/high) - 2,200/3,800

Selling price (low/high) - $267,000/$467,000