San Marcos City Council welcomed a new council member, Lisa Prewitt (third from right), in 2013.[/caption]
Big decisions made in 2013
Approval of comprehensive plan
San Marcos Mayor Daniel Guerrero said the biggest accomplishment in 2013 was the completion of the city's comprehensive plan. The plan was adopted by City Council in April and guides everything from residential and commercial development to environmental and resource protection.
Smoking ordinance
On Oct. 2, San Marcos City Council approved an ordinance that bans smoking on all city-owned property as well as in public indoor areas. The first part of the ban, which applies to smoking on city-owned property, took effect Jan. 1. Public indoor smoking at businesses such as bars and restaurants will be banned June 1. The ordinance provides exceptions for smoking on patios and using e-cigarettes in vape shops.
Lone Star Rail funding
On Dec. 17, a mechanism was put in place to fund Lone Star Rail, a commuter rail system that when fully built out will connect north Austin and San Antonio. Stops are currently planned in Kyle and San Marcos with the potential for a Buda station as well. San Marcos will fund its share of the project through a tax increment reinvestment zone, which will capture the increases in property and sales tax collections in the zone over a certain period of time.
Top issues for 2014
Implementation of quiet zones
Guerrero said the city will begin implementing quiet zones this year. Phase 1 of the quiet zone project will convert 26 railroad crossings to quiet zones that will include signs alerting motorists and pedestrians that trains will not be using horns in the area, medians to prevent cars from going around crossing guards and additional safety features at some intersections.
Construction of Loop 82 overpass
The Loop 82 overpass will allow motorists to drive over the Union Pacific train tracks that intersect Aquarena Springs Drive near Texas State University. Officials from the Texas Department of Transportation said the project is expected to begin in winter 2014 and end in winter 2016.
Land development code rewrite
The city of San Marcos' new comprehensive plan has been adopted, but for that plan to be implemented, the city must rewrite its land development code. The land development code guides development in the city and determines density and what types of development are preferable in certain areas.
City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month.
City Hall, 630 E. Hopkins St., San Marcos
Terms and compensation
The mayor receives a stipend of $750 per month; council members receive $500 per month. They each serve four-year terms.
Media Coverage
Meetings are broadcast on Time Warner's Channel 10 and Grande's Channel 16. Meetings are also streamed online at www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/videos