Bee Cave Manager Frank Salvato identified a number of big decisions Bee Cave City Council made in 2013 as well as many of the top issues for 2014.

Big decisions made in 2013

  • Bee Cave calls for election to become home rule city On May 11, residents in the city of Bee Cave voted to become a home rule city and approved a new city charter. The election enabled the city to annex property located in its extraterritorial jurisdiction and gave the mayor a vote in council matters, among other provisions.
  • Annexations As a result of becoming a home rule city, Bee Cave began the process of annexing around 178 total acres into its borders beginning Sept. 10.
  • New staff positions Because of growing development adding increased demands on the city's administration, Bee Cave City Council authorized three new staff positions including an assistant city manager, additional city planner and an engineer-in-training.

Top issues for 2014

  • Development pressure Bee Cave continues to receive requests for development, and keeping up with the demand in a timely fashion is a pressing issue.
  • New police chief Bee Cave Police Chief Rusty Pancoast will retire in September, and the city will hire his replacement in 2014.
  • New website The city will feature a new website design and format in 2014.
  • Update regulations The city will update its original comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances in 2014.
  • Plans for City Hall and library The city will complete its study of City Hall and library needs in anticipation of remodeling the buildings.


The council meets at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

4000 Galleria Parkway, 512-767-6600,

Terms and compensation

Council members and the mayor serve two-year, staggered terms. Members receive $50 per meeting, although some elect not to take the funds.

Council members

  • Mayor Caroline Murphy
  • Mayor Pro Tem Steve Braasch
  • Councilwoman Zelda Auslander
  • Councilwoman Michelle Bliss
  • Councilman Bill Goodwin
  • Councilwoman Kara King