The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority announced Dec. 20 it will increase toll rates on Toll 183A by 1.52 percent starting Jan. 1.
The increase is part of a Mobility Authority policy that annually adjusts rates to coincide with inflation and avoid larger increases every five years.
The adjustment adds eight cents to the cost of a full-length trip on Toll 183A for customers with a TxTag.
Specifically the Lakeline plaza will increase from $0.51 to $0.52. The Crystal Falls plaza will increase from $0.97 to $0.99, and the Park Street Main Plaza will increase from $1.38 to $1.40.
Rates for customers who pay by mail will increase by 1.99 percent, according to the Mobility Authority.
The Mobility Authority is an independent government agency created to improve the regional transportation system through innovative solutions that reduce congestion.
For more information, visit the organization's website.