On Nov. 5, Bee Cave's Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to deny recommending approval of Covert Bee Cave Subdivision's preliminary plat. The issue appears on the agenda for Bee Cave City Council's Nov. 12 meeting.
At the commission meeting, Bleyl and Associates' engineer Kenneth Watkins, representing Covert, said Covert's Traffic Impact Analysis for the project recommended the proposed driveway traffic be limited to right in, right out. Watkins said the TIA recommended a signalized intersection on the Summit 56 Subdivision, the tract on which Covert's property is located and also includes Nitro Swimming and Hill Country Golf and Guitar.
Watkins said Covert is proposing to locate the recommended intersection at Nitro's westernmost driveway on Hwy. 71.
Lindsey Withrow, Bee Cave Planning and development director, said a joint use access easement and consent among all Summit 56 subdivision owners is required for Covert to put a signalized intersection on the Nitro driveway.
However, Watkins said the deed to his property allows for access to Nitro's west driveway.
Falconhead West resident Ben King, husband of city councilwoman Kara King, said he questioned the credibility of Covert.
"Do they actually have access to that easement or not," King said. "Both Mike from Nitro as well as [Summit 56 broker] Rocky Navarro have said they haven't been approached with any request to utilize that easement."
The Homestead's Carrell Killebrew opposed Covert's preliminary plat application and cited concerns over sound mitigation from on-site loudspeakers and overnight lighting.
"Putting a car dealership in the city, considering the size of the city, is a terrible idea," Killebrew said.
Lakeway Deputy City Manager Chessie Zimmerman confirmed that the city has the infrastructure ready to put a signalized intersection down the road, at Serene Hills and Hwy. 71, once TxDOT determines the traffic counts warrant it.