After lower-than-expected donor turnout at its Cedar Park and Georgetown locations, The Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas—a nonprofit regional blood bank—consolidated the two sites to one central location in Round Rock in January.

"It wasn't financially prudent to keep the doors open because we weren't getting enough donors to justify the amount of cost ... to pay staff," spokeswoman Cindy Rowe said. "This consolidation allowed the blood center to cost-effectively scale its operations appropriate to the needs of the community."

The Round Rock Donor Center, located at 2312 N. Mays St., Ste. 900, has seen a 135 percent increase in donations since the two closings, Rowe said.

Rowe said the center expanded its hours to help meet the increased demand. The Round Rock Donor Center is open Monday, Tuesday and Friday from

8 a.m.–6 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. For more information, visit