Spring is all about planting and growing, and we've captured several ways of doing that in this month's issue.
Our lead story on Page 1 looks at the ways our cities grow the economy by planting the seed of an idea for a business to locate here and then negotiate economic development agreements to bring them in. Colleyville just landed Whole Foods, for example.
Marty Wieder, the city's economic development director, will tell you it wasn't easy. Months of negotiations went on before the city was finally able to lock in the deal with the incentive of a $2.25 million grant.
On another level of planting and growing, this is the time when North Texas gardeners get out the gloves and start to set out plants. Our Gardening Guide on Page 14 has great tips on what to plant and where to find what you need.
Finally, this month we provide citizens with information to help them decide how to vote in our May elections.
The Election Guide on pages 18-19 offers information on candidates who are running as well as new city council members who will automatically take their seats because they drew no opposition.
I have attended many city council meetings over the past few months, and can tell you the decisions made there affect us all, whether the members are considering new development or pondering the look of a city.
We encourage you to go to the polls May 11 and be a part of the decisions that will affect you and your families.
Toni Barron, Publisher-DFW Metro, [email protected]