At the Hays CISD board of trustees meeting March 25, board members discussed a possible bond election that could be put to voters as soon as May 2014.
Interim Superintendent Carter Scherff gave a presentation on how the district would open its sixth middle school by the 2015–16 school year. Scherff said the district does not necessarily need a new middle school, but when he receives the state demographer's report in May, he will have a better idea of the district's needs.
"No matter what type of school, we have to go through all these processes," Scherff said. "So if we start on this today, have a successful election in May 2014, then in August 2015 we can open up middle school No. 6."
Scherff said that no matter what the report identifies as the greatest need, it will take 15 months from when the bond is approved for the school to open.
"Based on our past history, that's very doable," Scherff said. "It's a lot of work, but it can be done, and we've proven that we can do it before."
Since 2008, the district has opened five new campuses including Simon Middle School and Elm Grove, Carpenter Hill, Blanco Vista and Science Hall elementary schools.
Trustee Shaun Bosar said the district did not allow architects to "run amok" and cited the low-maintenance stained concrete floors of Science Hall and Carpenter Hill as examples of the district's frugality.
"I will be paying a lot higher property taxes, probably, when this comes and so will others who are voting on this bond, so we just need to be efficient in our use of the money," Bosar said.
The hypothetical bond would be paid for through property taxes, and Scherff said a tax impact analysis would be created after the board creates a growth impact committee.
For now, Scherff said, the district will wait until the state releases the demographer's report.
"This is literally a huge stack of dominoes, and once you tip the first one, they start moving in that direction," Scherff said. "But if you have any of it that falls out of place, then you may not get to where you need to go."