Build-out year: 2011
Builders: Morrison Homes, Standard Pacific Homes
Number of homes: 618
Low/high square footage: 2,028–5,181
HOA dues (estimated): $480 annually
Amenities: Jogging and biking path, park, playground, community pool, golf course
Nearby attractions: Elizabeth Milburn Park, Twin Creeks Country Club, Lakeline Mall
Property taxes:
- Travis County — 0.500100
- Leander ISD — 1.511870
- Austin Community College — 0.095100
- Travis County Healthcare District — 0.078946
- City of Cedar Park — 0.493501
- Total (per $100 value) — 2.679517
(Taxing entities may vary since this subdivision is in two counties.)
Leander ISD schools
- Deer Creek Elementary School
- Cedar Park Middle School
- Cedar Park High School