By voting to slightly ease impervious cover restrictions, Bee Cave City Council on Aug. 14 set the stage for a potential hotel at the Hill Country Galleria.

Bee Cave City Council approved an ordinance that will make the galleria's lined ponds not be considered impervious cover, which are areas where rain can not be absorbed back into the ground. Adrian Overstreet, Hill Country Galleria asset manager, said most of the surrounding cities do not count lined ponds as impervious cover.

The Hill Country Galleria has an impervious cover limit of about 55 percent. The galleria has nearly reached its impervious cover limit, and the ordinance frees up the space for a potential hotel, Overstreet said.

"We can't build a hotel if this doesn't pass," he said.

Overstreet said the galleria has commissioned a feasibility study for a hotel. He said he is often approached by people asking about a hotel at the location.

However, he said a hotel will not be built if it is not feasible.

Councilwoman Zelda Auslander said she had concerns with changing the impervious cover restrictions if it did not result in a hotel. But she added that she did not want to discourage the Hill Country Galleria from building more ponds in the future, which Overstreet said there are plans to do.

Mayor Caroline Murphy said not counting the ponds as either impervious or pervious cover was an agreeable compromise.