Eanes ISD held an open house and tours of the new Adult Transition Services building March 28 at 1020 Walsh Tarlton Lane, along with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
"This is an exciting time for the district, our staff and especially our students in the program," Superintendent Nola Wellman said. "We now have an incredible facility that matches students' needs with equipment, space and function in what is a fast-growing program."
Adult Transition Services, formerly the 19+ program, offers individual education plans, vocational and everyday life skills for students with special needs age 19–22. The ATS facility was designed to support services for students to gain independence in all aspects of adult living and serves the district's young adults with special needs during their transition from post–high school to the adult world. The ATS program focuses on assisting these young adults in developing vocational and independent living skills.
Accessible kitchen and laundry facilities, a computer lab, classrooms and group work areas will enhance instruction in vocational, independent living and recreational skills. The former space for ATS students was in a portable classroom on an elementary school campus. The new facility provides an age-appropriate adult environment to accommodate increases in this adult student population.
Staff and students officially moved into the facility March 19.
The program was previously held in a portable building located near Cedar Creek Elementary School.
Weather delays and foundation issues delayed the original opening set for January. The $2.2 million project was financed through funds from the May 2011 $54 million bond package and includes funding to replace equipment used in the program.
Middle school field progress
Progress on middle school playfields, another bond project, are also being made. Turf is being installed at West Ridge Middle School, and a new track is being installed at Hill Country Middle School. The cost of both projects is estimated at about $2.3 million.