Round Rock lifted its mandatory once-weekly watering restrictions March 26, due to the fact that as of March 23, both Lake Georgetown and Stillhouse Hollow Lake were full.
"Now that the lakes are full, we need to come back off the restrictions," Round Rock Utility Director Michael Thane said. "But we're not saying don't conserve."
The city is encouraging a twice-weekly watering schedule, suggesting that residential customers with odd-numbered addresses water Wednesday and/or Saturday, and resident customers with even-numbered addresses water Thursday and/or Sunday.
City officials recommend commercial, industrial, apartment complexes, government and institutional customers water on Tuesday and/or Friday, according to a news release issued by the city, which went on to suggest not to water during the heat of the day (10 a.m.–7 p.m.), or on windy days, due to evaporation.
For mandatory restrictions to be put back into place, three things would have to happen according to Thane: less rain, increased demand and low lake levels.
"We don't currently have a date that we'd need to go back to mandatory restrictions. With our current drought plan, the current conditions do not merit it," Thane said. "But that could change if we don't get any rain for the next four to six months."