The installation of a 24-inch and 30-inch water line from East Common Street to Gruene Road is scheduled to take place this week as part of the New Braunfels Utilities Surface Water Treatment Plant Capital Improvement Project.

Part of Rivercrest Drive between Loop 337 and Fair Lane will be closed beginning Aug. 29 while Pesado Construction, NBU’s contractor, performs the open-cut pipe installation. The construction is scheduled to be completed Sept. 16.

One-way traffic control with a detour route on Hillcrest Drive will be in place along Rivercrest. Vehicular traffic should expect delays, varying lane conditions and flaggers directing traffic. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained for the duration of construction, according to NBU.

“Completion of the more than $11.5 million SWTP Project is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2023. This project will provide additional transmission capacity to deliver clean, high-quality drinking water to our community now and decades into the future,” NBU said in a press release.

New Braunfels Utilities provides up-to-date traffic impacts for capital improvement projects such as this one on and on its Facebook and Twitter social media channels.