The New Braunfels City Council on April 25 approved the second reading of an ordinance that will raise rates for seasonal passes for the Landa Park Aquatics Complex.

Season pass rates were last increased by $5 in 2014, according to Stacey Dicke, director of the New Braunfels Parks and Recreation Department. Since then, operating expenses for the facility have increased by approximately 35%.
Dicke recommended a 20% increase to season pass rates to cover the increasing costs associated with maintaining the facility.

Resident child and senior citizen passes will now be $36, and adult resident passes are $66 each. Nonresident passes for children and senior citizens are now $47, and adult nonresident passes are $89.

Additionally, a new nonresident family swim pass was created and will cost $164, compared to $126 for the resident family pass.
The increased rates are expected to generate up to $6,000 this fiscal year, according to city documents, and City Council voted unanimously to approve the measure.

The Landa Park Aquatic Complex will open in May, and the rate changes take effect immediately.