Two parks in New Braunfels are slated to receive improvements following the approval of two consent agenda items during the regular Jan. 24 City Council meeting.

In November, the city issued an invitation for a competitive sealed proposal for improvements to Mission Hill Park, which is located along Independence Drive just north of Elan Westpointe.

According to city documents, the park has been awaiting available funding since the Mission Hill Park Master Plan was approved in 2016.

Fischer Construction Co. responded to the city’s proposal to construct a parking lot and trail within the park and submitted a proposal for $297,588 and the city-recommended 12% contingency of $35,711. The total contract with Fischer Construction will not exceed $33,299.

Additionally, the city approved a $9,905 contract with Terracon for construction materials testing services and a $47,000 contract with Parkhill for additional design, bidding and construction administration services.

In total, the needed funding for the project is $390,204, according to the city. Approximately $180,000 will come from the city’s park development fund; $95,000 will come from the New Braunfels Parks and Recreation Department’s general fund budget; and the remaining $115,204 will come from general fund reserves.

A timeline for the project has not yet been announced by the city.

City Council members Jan. 24 also approved the purchase of new playground equipment for installation at Fischer Park.

City staff selected FundAbounds to provide the equipment at a cost of $267,247. The purchase will include a new corkscrew slide, integrated shade, a nature play rock climber, a wheelchair transfer station and more.

The fiscal year 2021-22 budget approved $250,000 for the purchase of new playground equipment but approximately $113,000 from the 2013/2019 bond funds that were dedicated to all-inclusive playground features will be utilized to support some of the equipment.

Any remaining funds that had previously been allocated to the playground equipment will be utilized in the Mission Hill Park construction project, according to the city.