New Braunfels City Council voted unanimously at their Sept. 12 meeting to postpone the renewal of an economic development contract between the New Braunfels Economic Development Corporation and the Greater New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce until the council receives clarity on items in the contract prior to the next council meeting.

The New Braunfels Economic Development Corporation—a nonprofit organization chartered by the city—routinely enters professional services agreements with the chamber.

Council member Lawrence Spradley pulled the item and led the initial questioning of the contract.

Spradley asked a number of questions about the way the budget is written, why it is a three-year renewal instead of a two-year like the most recent contracts and whether there was a reason a termination clause was changed from previous contracts with the chamber. The current renewal contract before the council included new language that requires an agreement between two parties prior to termination.

“In my time on council, I've received those quarterly statements and in the contract we're currently working under, if they don't meet those standards that the council approves of, then we can turn around and say, ‘Hey, we're giving you 30 days notice. We need to turn around these numbers or we terminate the contract,’” Spradley said. Now, he said, “If we give them 30 days notice ... There's no consequences, because they may not agree.”

Jonathan Packer, president of the GNBCC, said the chamber was flexible on the frequency of the contract as well as the difference in termination clauses.

The contract allots for $550,000 in 2023, $600,000 in 2024 and $650,000 in 2025.

Packer said the majority of the funding during that time period is being generated through private capital fundraising in the community, with a goal of $750,000 by the end of this year.

The contract has a two-year automatic renewal unless either party provides a 90-day written notice to terminate.

The item was tabled and will come up for a vote again at the Sept. 26 meeting.