As the city of New Braunfels has grown in recent years, so has the need for affordable workforce housing options.

“Approximately one-third of every New Braunfels household is cost-burdened when it comes to their housing situation,” said Jeff Jewel, the director of economic and community development for the city of New Braunfels, in a press release.

On Jan. 14, the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce and city officials will host a webinar and moderated question and answer session titled “Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to the Need for More Housing Choices.”

Dan Parolek, founding principal and president of Opticos Design, will give a presentation about “missing-middle” housing, which is a range of multiunit or clustered housing types that are built to address the need for walkable communities, respond to shifting household demographics and offer homes to meet a range of price points, according to the press release.

According to the National Association of Home Builders, missing-middle housing developments are designed to incorporate several housing styles within one neighborhood or area that provide options at several price points.

“New Braunfels actually has a mixture of missing middle housing that is blended into some of our older neighborhoods,” Jewel said in the press release. “Production of that housing, however, has declined over the years for various reasons and we are looking at ways to encourage more commonplace construction.”

To participate in the virtual event, attendees can visit the city webinar link at 3 p.m. on Jan. 14 and enter the meeting ID number 874 4104 2537. Participants can also call 833-926-2300 and enter the same ID number to join by phone.