New Braunfels Utilities has announced plans to begin work on its Surface Water Treatment Plant capital improvement project later this month, according to a press release.

The $11.53 million water line project will provide additional transmission capacity to deliver drinking water to residents and to alleviate high-pressure issues that occur when the Headwaters at the Comal, the Surface Water Treatment Plan and Landa Park pumps are running simultaneously.

“This Water Line Project will provide the much-needed transmission capacity to support NBU’s Landa Park pump station expansion, which will add an additional 4.0 million gallons per day, and meet transmission capacity needs to support the future Surface Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project,” said Shawn Schorn, NBU chief engineer of water services, in the release.

Once complete, the SWTP expansion will add an additional eight million gallons per day, he said.

The project will cover approximately 2.5 miles and much of the work will be conducted along Rivercrest Drive, Gruene Road and Waterway Lane. Some road and lane closures are expected and residents can track the project on the NBU website.

NBU estimates the project will be complete in Spring of 2023.