They are D. Lee Edwards, Leigh Ann Rowlands and Robert Lee Nohrn.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
Community Impact is only asking candidates in contested May 4 contests to answer questionnaires.

D. Lee Edwards
Planning commissioner and chairman, NBISD trustee, rotarian and other charities
Business owner, D Lee Edwards Realty
Candidate Website:
What is the most important issue facing residents, and how would you address it if elected?
Growth! I would help the city bring depth and detail to the master and vision plan. Design clear development goals that create intentional zoning not reactive. Encourage the city and the utilities to install infrastructure where they want growth. Direct growth where we want it and restrict where it’s inappropriate.
If elected, how do you plan to represent all of District 3, as well as the city as a whole?
Representing all citizens means listening to their wants and needs, evaluating how they fit into the district and/or city’s priorities while working with all the council to achieve these goals. From the campaign’s start, I have gathered citizen data and input to implement a valid plan!
What issues outside of the most important one above are a priority for you to address?
Other issues expressed by residents of District 3 are: ensuring we have water for the future, getting district road projects in place for the future, reducing unneeded red tape at city hall for permitting, cleaning Landa Lake, and finding viable ways to preserve green space and conservation. Keep taxes low.
What is the overall takeaway you want voters to understand about your campaign?
My campaign is focused on listening to the residents of District 3, setting goals and implementing a plan through my ability to work with all the council to achieve those goals. I have the most experience and proven leadership to be an impactful council member for District 3.

Leigh Ann Rowlands
Program manager at major universities, Master of Public Administration/city management, grant writer, teacher
Manager and teacher
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What is the most important issue facing residents, and how would you address it if elected?
The most important issue is the impact of uncontrolled growth. Rapid growth has strained our roads, police and emergency services. I will pay special attention to maintaining, expanding and improving roads. I will also champion keeping the police and emergency services in balance with our growth and current threats.
If elected, how do you plan to represent all of District 3, as well as the city as a whole?
I will encourage cooperation between New Braunfels and surrounding entities to secure future funding for roadway expansion or improvements. I will fully support NBISD school resource officers to protect our children. I will hold regular meetings to connect with residents and address District 3 concerns.
What issues outside of the most important one named above are a high priority for you to address?
Your quality of life matters. The unique history of New Braunfels should be nurtured and enhanced by the active pursuit of grant funding for beautification, the arts, etc. (not your taxes). My passion to protect and preserve is strong and keeping New Braunfels charming benefits all of us.
What is the overall takeaway you want voters to understand about your campaign?
My campaign is about bringing positive change that improves the quality of life for everyone in our community. I am committed to being transparent, honest and accountable to the voters. I will be your voice. Early voting begins April 22, election day is May 4. Please join me:

Robert Nohrn
City Council, mayor pro tem, developer, builder, Realtor, various city boards and committees ...
Retired, U.S. Navy, general contractor, deputy sheriff
Contact Information:
830-625-8729, 737-221-1378
What is the most important issue facing residents, and how would you address it if elected?
Artificially stimulated growth at the expense of present taxpayers. Show me a larger city that is safer, less traffic, better schools, or lower taxes—they don't exist.
If elected, how do you plan to represent all of District 3, as well as the city as a whole?
Actively oversee all city operations, listen to all citizens, work hard like I have all my life.
What issues outside of the most important one named above are a high priority for you to address?
My faith in God, the citizens of New Braunfels (all not just some), crime, traffic, utilities (term limits NBU board)
What is the overall takeaway you want voters to understand about your campaign?
I have more related experience than the other candidates … I have proven leadership, I am not controlled by or financed by any group seeking control. I have not, nor will not, accept ANY financial contributions for this endeavor. I will accept no more than $1.00 per year …