Two candidates in the March Republican primary are vying to be the next Guadalupe County sheriff.

Current Guadalupe County Sheriff Arnold Zwicke opted not to seek re-election.

Joshua Ray, Guadalupe County Sheriff’s Office chief deputy, is facing off with Patrick Pinder, Guadalupe County fire marshal and emergency management coordinator.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Community Impact is only asking candidates in contested Republican or Democratic primaries to answer questionnaires.

Patrick Pinder

Experience: Over 40 years as a Guadalupe County resident, living in Marion, Schertz, and Seguin. 12 ...

Occupation: Guadalupe County fire marshal and emergency management coordinator

What is the most important issue facing residents and how would you address it if elected?

The biggest issue facing residents is the county's rapid growth. Addressing this issue requires a proactive approach to the challenges associated with increased population and crime. I plan to tackle this issue through proactive law enforcement, technology integration, collaboration with county development, community engagement, strategic planning, and transparent communication.

If elected, how do you plan to represent all your constituency as a whole?

I will represent the county by leveraging my over 40 years of residency and 12 years of work experience. I will use my familiarity with the county's growth and act as a true representative of the community. I will encourage regular communication and promptly and effectively address the concerns raised.

What issues outside of the most important one named above are a high priority for you to address?

I would improve the county's animal control services. I would continue to develop and optimize the computer-aided dispatch program to increase the efficiency of the emergency response. Work on improvements to the fire and EMS dispatching, look at jail improvements and Invest in modernizing and upgrading law enforcement equipment.

What is the overall takeaway you want voters to understand about your campaign?

My campaign is a foundation of practical experience as a sheriff's deputy and now fire marshal/EMC, my background supervising and managing emergency response, expertise in emergency response management, and a focus on local leadership that prioritizes the well-being and safety of our community. Local leader focused on serving our community

Joshua Ray

Experience: USMC veteran, 23 years of law enforcement experience, retired Texas Ranger, current chief deputy sheriff

Occupation: Chief deputy, Guadalupe County Sheriff's Office

Contact Information: 830-379-1224

What is the most important issue facing residents and how would you address it if elected?

The growth in our county is the most significant challenge facing our residents, which contributes to a host of law enforcement issues. While being mindful of taxpayer dollars, I will increase resources and staffing, partner with area law enforcement agencies and stakeholders, and increase law enforcement presence throughout the county.

If elected, how do you plan to represent all your constituency as a whole?

I will be highly visible and accessible to my constituents. I will lead and develop an internal law enforcement culture that is open, honest, transparent, impartial, and highly professional, which will lead to an external result of highly professional and exceptional law enforcement services for all citizens of Guadalupe County.

What issues outside of the most important one named above are a high priority for you to address?

Crimes against children are simply unacceptable and unfortunately on the rise in our country. I plan to implement proactive policing strategies, targeting child predators and traffickers both currently in and traveling through our communities. Children should never be victims and no cost spared to protect them.

What is the overall takeaway you want voters to understand about your campaign?

I have over 23 years of extensive and diverse law enforcement experience. I have spent my entire life in public service and currently lead the Guadalupe County Sheriff’s Office as second in command over all operations. I am endorsed by current Sheriff Arnold Zwicke and am asking for your vote.