The New Braunfels ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2021-22 budget during the regular June 21 meeting.

Approximately $62.14 million from local sources and $20.09 million from state sources will contribute to the $83.4 million general fund budget.

The total taxable value of all property in the district rose from $6.85 billion to $7.82 billion, according to the district. Property taxes are anticipated to provide $61.63 million to the district’s general fund and $22.7 million to the district’s debt service fund.

Prior to the meeting, the board hosted a public hearing to discuss the proposed budget and tax rate, which will not go into effect until it is adopted by the district in August.

District officials have proposed a Maintenance and Operations, or M&O, tax rate that will not exceed $0.8975 per $100 of valuation and an Interest and Sinking Fund, or I&S, tax rate that will not exceed $0.3258 per $100 valuation for the 2021-22 school year.

The maintenance and operations fund covers the general fund budget, while the interest and sinking fund covers debt service for bonds approved by voters.

If adopted, the total proposed tax rate of $1.2233 per $100 valuation would remain unchanged from the 2020-21 tax rate.

Included in the 2021-22 budget are funds to establish boys and girls middle school soccer teams and additional funding for music programs throughout the district.

Expenditures for the general fund budget are anticipated to be $83.38 million, which will produce a surplus of $14,453 in the fund.