The campsite’s eight glamping cabins, opened in 2013 and built to resemble the shelters used by nomadic Native Americans, provide isolation from civilization without the sacrifice of modern creature comforts, according to owner Katie Riedel.
“We keep it simple out here, but I think that the extra layers of convenience make this place really desirable for families,” she said. “They can escape into nature and then go back to their regular life very quickly and easily.”
The spacious tipis sleep up to six and feature their own campfires and grills as well as access to a private bathroom easily navigated to at night with the assistance of campground lighting.Tipis include kitchenettes, air conditioning, heating and cable, while solid walls present guests with a reprieve from society and the outside world, day or night.
“Because they’re windowless, you can take the mother of all naps. ... You go in there and you lose all concept of time and space,” Riedel said of the cabins. “You really do feel like you’ve escaped, even if you come here for one night.”
Pre- or post-nap, the campsite offers a variety of activities ranging from the relaxing, such as lounging in the river or around a campfire, to more involved activities, such as volleyball and kayaking.
Guests can rent kayaks or buy tubes, although shuttling back to the campsite is not offered. However, Tipis on the Guadalupe is close to several river outfitters with transportation services.River access is provided through a short hike down a shaded trail called the “tunnel of trees.”
Once at the river, a natural shelf yields a shallow area for children and adults to play and relax in.
“Even in the offseason, you can take your camp chair down there,” Riedel pointed out. “Just sit, have a drink, have a glass of wine, drink your coffee down there and just enjoy nature.”

Tipis on the Guadalupe
12821 River Road, New Braunfels
Hours: daily 10 a.m.-6 p.m.