A free speaker series presented by the Comal Master Gardeners will kick off Jan. 12 with Gary Johnstone’s talk on “soil amendments and composting.” The event will take place at the Westside Community Center, 2932 S. I-35, New Braunfels, where the Comal Master Gardeners maintain a vegetable garden. “The Westside Community Center has had the privilege of working closely with Comal Master Gardeners through garden programs, local elementary programs, and various presentations in the community,” said Outreach Coordinator Jennifer Hernandez. “The Comal Master Gardeners continue to positively impact the community of New Braunfels with this outreach.” A different speaker will share their expertise on a variety of topics on the second Saturday of each month through May, with the series resuming September-November. All events will take place from 10-11 a.m. The schedule is as follows:
  • 9: Donna Welch, “Vegetables”
  • March 9: Richard Vonder Embse and John Cruikshank, “Drip Irrigation”
  • April 13: Patty Godfrey, “Bees, Butterflies and Other Earthlings”
  • May 11: Kathleen Scott, “Small Space Wildlife Gardening”
  • Sept. 14: Gene Carnicom and Clare Helminiak, “Medicinal Plants and Herbs”
  • Oct. 12: Diane Jones, “Propagation”
  • Nov. 9: Mary Helen Phillips, “Gardening with Children”
For more information about the speaker series, call the Westside Community Center office at 830-221-4630 or the main library at 830-221-4300. Comal Master Gardeners is a non-profit educational and charitable association working with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to improve gardening skills throughout the community. For questions about the Comal MasterGardeners, call 830-620-3440.