When Jessica Arman began testing home remedies for her daughter Allie’s sensitive teeth, she had no idea that her mixture would one day become a product sold around the world.

Allie was born with a condition that caused her teeth to be susceptible to cavities and tooth sensitivity. Arman said it was difficult to find dental products that worked for her daughter, so she began testing natural ingredients.

“I wanted to shy away from chemicals, so that’s what led me to the power of charcoal,” Arman said.

Her final mixture included activated coconut shell charcoal, calcium bentonite clay, organic orange peel extract and organic mint extract.

After interest in the powder grew among family and friends, Arman and her family decided to sell the product at the New Braunfels Farmers Market.“We started My Magic Mud at the local farmers market in 2013, and we got such support,” Arman said. “That is really what validated the idea for us to go to our wholesale partners.”

Soon after launching the business, Arman’s mother-in-law moved from California to Central Texas to help market the product and was successful in building partnerships with local health and whole foods stores.

She said her mother-in-law’s influence gave the business the boost it needed. It did not hurt that she also gave Arman lessons on how to pitch the product to larger retailers.

“I know we would not be where we’re at today without her belief in me and in the products,” Arman said.

My Magic Mud products are now available in stores that include Target, H-E-B and CVS. The company offers more than 30 items, including three product lines that were originally scheduled to be released in spring 2020.

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic stalled the launch of the company’s new products and reduced the team from 25 to six full-time employees. The company has also shifted its focus to direct online retail through its website, and the corporate office in New Braunfels, where customers could purchase products in-person, is temporarily closed.

As sales have stabilized, Arman said she has been able to release the new silver-charcoal, hemp oil and CBD toothpaste lines that utilize a new foaming agent derived from coconut.“We really did accept that we needed to shrink down our business to where we knew we could be successful,” Arman said. “In order for us to make it through this pandemic, it was important for us to have a really strong online presence.”

Customers may also purchase a subscription service that will deliver products every one, two or three months.“It’s been a huge thing for us to really cultivate that one-on-one experience with the end user,” Arman said. “We’re in about 30,000 locations worldwide, but to know that it really all started at the New Braunfels Farmers Market is just the coolest story ever.”