Read the most popular news from the past week from the Central Texas area.

Cedar Park-Leander

Mixed-use development proposed at Hwy. 29, Ronald Reagan Boulevard in Leander

29 Gateway, a proposed mixed-use development located on the corner of Ronald Reagan Boulevard and Hwy. 29, would include restaurants, retail, an apartment complex, offices and a Montessori school.

Round Rock

TxDOT announces completion of major I-35 overhaul in Round Rock

Major renovations on a significant portion of I-35 in Round Rock from RM 1431 to FM 3406 are officially complete as of June 18.

Anchor Bar bringing its third Texas location to Round Rock

Anchor Bar will open its third Texas location at 2702 Parker Drive, Ste. B, Round Rock, this August.


Georgetown City Council Member Rachael Jonrowe to resign

Georgetown City Council Member Rachael Jonrowe, who represents District 6, is planning to resign for several reasons, including her health from stress as well as issues in Georgetown ISD.


Project Connect Orange Line design reveals proposed locations for rail stations in North, South Austin

As Project Connect progresses through the design phase, Austin residents will now have a clearer picture of station locations along one of the longest-planned light rail lines.

Taylor Girtman, Brian Rash, Brooke Sjoberg, Trent Thompson and Benton Graham contributed to this report.