The approval of the task order comes after a 2023 study recommended adding a signal and reconfiguring pavement markings at the intersection where Palmera Ridge Boulevard turns into Vista Heights Drive at Ronald Reagan Boulevard, according to agenda documents.
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The $113,318 task order provides that RPS Infrastructure will perform engineering and design for lane reconfigurations, street markings and pedestrian amenities. The company will also conduct bidding and construction phase services for the city, according to the design proposal.
RPS will contract out for the actual construction of the signal, according to the proposal.
How we got here
In fall 2021, the city of Leander hired Huitt-Zollars Inc. to conduct an analysis and corridor traffic study on Ronald Reagan Boulevard in response to development and traffic concerns in the area, according to the documents.
The resulting report, which came out in 2023, led the city to look further into the situation.